Some of my photographer friends do a “mine on monday” post which typically highlight photos of their children participating in activities (dance, swim, soccer) or vacations. It’s the perfect way to force us, as photographers, to actually take photos of our families AND edit them. That last one (editing) is a big kicker. [I’m still really sad that I have only edited one photo from our trip to the UK last July but one day I will get to it!] This is essential my “mine on monday” post, even if it’s not Monday and it’s my husband, not a child.
Anthony is [keep your fingers crossed with me] going to graduate next May with his PhD. He is applying to jobs as we speak all over the country as well as working hard to finish the first draft of his dissertation. It’s just a tad stressful in our household!! A few weeks back, I met him at the school’s brand new library, to get new headshot photos. Academia has a few social networking sites and he’s been receiving several hits on them. Pressure is on to have a professional photo to showcase him and his personality a little (skinny tie = hip and sophisticated, at least that’s what I tell myself!)
He posted one of these photos on Facebook, and all the comments made me chuckle. They all think he looks like he should be in the board room demanding you to give over your money! What do you think? Maybe just a little different than “I want to come join your faculty and teach undergrads!!” Either way, I think he’s one fine looking gentleman and if these photos help him land a job, then I have done my job right! 🙂
Thanks for looking!


These are great kim! I especially love the first one.
These are brialliant! Good luck on your applications and I hope you can get the job that you really want!
[…] month I wrote a post on my business blog about A and gave a small glimpse of what our future holds. We have been in […]