I’ve been slacking on updating my gardening tales. Much has happened since our community day at the first of April. And truth be told, I took these photos a few weeks ago (I think it was right before it rained and was overcast for it seemed like forever!!) and everyone has grown even more! I try to get out there at least once a day, but there are times it just doesn’t happen. Thankfully as I’ve read in several books, seeds just want to grow. They will do what they can to grow, even if we humans neglect them a bit.
So far we have planted two different kinds of carrots, basil, rosemary, onions, bush beans, two tomato plants, okra, squash and lettuce. I also have two zucchini plants going in our neighbors front area (they don’t mind and we are sharing the farm share with them this year – I figured if it grows something they can have some too!!) along with some more onions and tomatillos. I just got in some organic heirloom potatoes that I am hoping to put into a trash barrel to maximize space and growth!

An AWESOME visual!!! (you can’t see the lettuce because I bought them from the farmer’s market and planted them after this photo!)

Love that you have a garden!!!! I am very jealous of your organization and planning – my garden is all over the place. Love the photos!
Looks great! We had the worst hail/rain/thunderstorm last week and my plants didn’t seem to like that very much. I’m hoping they will come back!